Halloween Hazards for Your PetsHalloween can be one of the busiest weeks for the Pet Poison Control Helpline. Their calls are generally 12% higher during Halloween.

Halloween hazards for your pets can be avoided by taking a few precautions. Here are some facts and tips for keeping your furry friends safe and happy:

Halloween pet costumes:

Did you know that $370 million dollars are spent of pet Halloween costumes? That’s a lot of money to spend on something that your dog would have rather you spent on a yummy pet treat! Favorite pet costumes include a devil, pumpkin, witch, a clown or a hot dog. If you just insist on doggy costume torture, be sure that their costume doesn’t have a lot of small pieces that they can chew off and ingest or strings and ribbons that might strangle the dog. Also, make sure the costume is not too tight or constricted as that can lead to a doggy panic attack or other injury.

Halloween Candy:

Candy is not really nutritious for anyone, but that doesn’t seem to deter us from eating. The same holds true for your pet. If given the opportunity they will suck down just about anything including chewing gum, raisins, and chocolate. Any of which can cause some dogs to become sick, with chocolate being particularly dangerous. There are chemicals in chocolate that are dangerous to pets, such as methylxanthines, which are similar to caffeine and more heavily concentrated in the darker varieties. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous to your dog and it doesn’t take much to make your puppy very ill. Watch for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, agitation, increased thirst, elevated heart rate, and in severe cases, seizures.
You might think of raisins and grapes as a healthier snack but for dogs they are poisonous! Very small amounts of raisins or grapes can lead to kidney failure. Both raisins and chocolate should be kept in tight containers far away from the reach of your pet.

Pets getting lost:

Halloween is the 2nd most common holiday for pets to become lost. All the loud noises, outside activity, being out in the dark all can be nerve racking to your dog. Make sure you have identification on your pet and microchipping is preferred by most veterinarians. Most dogs would prefer a nice quiet spot in the house, out of range of all the festivities.

Halloween hazards for your pets can be avoided by just being aware that your pet may not be having as much fun as you! Halloween can be a festive and fun time for children and families. But for pets? Let’s face it, it can be a nightmare. Skip the stress and keep your pets safe this year by following these easy tips.