Pet Welfare

Pets are not presents

By |2018-12-12T22:01:12+00:00December 15th, 2018|Pet Ownership, Pet Welfare|

Puppies are not presents, and neither are kittens, chicks, bunnies, piglets or ducklings. Although owning a pet is both a privilege and a gift, those benefits should not translate into unwrapping them as a holiday present (or tucked into an Easter basket). The idea of giving a puppy or kitten [...]

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Should Your Dog Wear a Coat in the Winter?

By |2018-12-12T21:09:05+00:00December 1st, 2018|Pet Welfare|

When it’s very cold outside, people bundle up in sweaters and coats to stay warm. But is it necessary to put a coat or sweater on your dog in winter weather? Is your dog shivering outdoors? If the answer to this question is yes, then you should consider putting some protective [...]

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5 Ways to Help Your Overweight Canine

By |2018-12-11T18:49:58+00:00September 15th, 2018|Pet Welfare|

Although overweight canines may look cute with their plump bellies, the extra weight is certainly not healthy. Obese dogs are far more likely to suffer from ailments such as diabetes and high blood pressure. If your dog has packed on some extra pounds, it’s time to take action. Here are [...]

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September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month

By |2018-12-04T21:13:33+00:00September 1st, 2018|Pet Welfare|

Healthy Cat Month While cats are a bit more independent than dogs, they are still loyal and loving pets. Whether you’re relaxing on the couch watching TV or cooking outside on the grill, your cat will be around to provide great company. With September being Healthy Cat Month, now is [...]

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Black Mold: Danger to Your Pet

By |2018-12-05T18:56:11+00:00August 1st, 2018|Pet Welfare|

Black Mold There are plenty of hidden dangers that can jeopardize your pet’s health. Black mold can be especially harmful to cats and dogs. Because long-term mold exposure is potentially fatal, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Use the following tips to help keep your friend safe. [...]

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Safe Vacation Travel Tips For Your Pet

By |2018-12-05T20:33:31+00:00July 16th, 2018|Pet Welfare|

Helpful Travel Tips When you have an outing this season, you may want to take your pet along with you. After all, this member of your family needs fun and relaxation, too. There are some things to keep in mind when traveling with a pet, depending upon the type of [...]

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Cat Companions: Does your Cat Need a Friend?

By |2018-12-05T20:45:21+00:00May 16th, 2018|Pet Welfare|

Cats are notorious loners. Yet despite their reputation, many cats thrive in and desire companionship from other animals. Companions can provide mental and physical stimulation for cats allowing them to interact socially, promoting exercise, and providing a playmate. Often companions curb destructive behavior, and if the companion is another cat, they [...]

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There’s an App for That: Animal Poison Control

By |2018-12-05T21:08:28+00:00March 16th, 2018|Pet Welfare|

If you’re a pet owner, be sure to download the app for Animal Poison Control. It may one day save your friend's life. Believe it or not, even tasty treats from your cabinet can put a pet’s life in serious danger. Here are some of the potential dangers that may lurk [...]

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Responsible Pet Ownership

By |2018-12-05T21:19:49+00:00January 29th, 2018|Pet Welfare|

Understandably, many people consider their pet to be a beloved family member. Like a child, pets demand a great deal of care and attention. You must be willing to make a serious commitment to their well-being. Here are some of the most important aspects of responsible pet ownership. Microchipping Trying to [...]

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Don’t Neglect your Cat: 3 Reasons Vet Visits are Important

By |2018-12-05T21:29:43+00:00November 30th, 2017|Pet Welfare|

Did you know that pet owners are much more likely to bring their dogs to the vet than their cats? Yet cats have just as many potential health problems as dogs, and there's no doubt that cats are just as loved by their owners as dogs are. Cats just have a [...]

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