
Good or Bad? Fleas on Dogs and Cats

Protect Your Pet to Avoid Suffering It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out the answer to this question. Fleas on dogs and cats are bad and they are everywhere. In fact, worldwide there are over 2,000 species of fleas. North America is home to more than 300 varieties of the [...]

By |2025-03-25T20:03:26+00:00March 24th, 2025|Pet Welfare, Preventative Pet Health Care|Comments Off on Good or Bad? Fleas on Dogs and Cats

Helping Your Pets to Live Longer

Understanding the Importance of Transformative Strategies for Pet Longevity As pet owners, we have a deep love and bond with our furry friends. We want them to live long, healthy, and happy lives. But what are the strategies we can implement to ensure you are helping [...]

By |2025-03-25T19:26:30+00:00March 9th, 2025|Pet Wellness, Preventative Pet Health Care|0 Comments

Pain, Pain, Go Away: Arthritis Robs Active Dogs of Mobility

One of the most common conditions affecting older dogs is arthritis or degenerative joint disease. As in humans, arthritis can be very painful for your dog. It can also rob your pet’s mobility and active lifestyle. Generally, arthritis happens when an unstable joint causes the bones to move unnaturally within the [...]

By |2025-02-04T23:04:37+00:00January 31st, 2025|Arthritis, Pet Health Problems|Comments Off on Pain, Pain, Go Away: Arthritis Robs Active Dogs of Mobility

New Years Resolution – Help Your Pet to Lose Some Weight!

Holidays Can Add on the Pounds! Not only for you, but yours pets as well. The new year brings us back to our senses, and we begin to take responsibility for our actions incliding over feeding and ove treating. While none of us likes going on a diet, help your [...]

By |2024-12-26T22:33:54+00:00December 26th, 2024|Obesity in Dogs, Pet Health Problems, Pet Welfare|Comments Off on New Years Resolution – Help Your Pet to Lose Some Weight!

Keeping Your Pets Safe in Cold Weather

For Alabama, we get really hot weather in the summer. Unbelieveably, we get really cold weather in the winter. People up north think we're running around barefooted in December! We know differently. Tips on Keeping Your Pets Safe in Cold Weather: If you are cold, your pet is probably cold. If [...]

By |2024-12-06T23:05:43+00:00December 6th, 2024|Pet Welfare|0 Comments

Tips for Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Improving Longevity

Senior Citizen at age 6 or 7—Time Flies It comes as a shock to some pet owners that although small dogs generally live longer, they are considered geriatric at the age of 7; and larger dogs have shorter life spans and are considered senior citizens at age 6. So if you [...]

By |2024-11-05T19:54:54+00:00October 15th, 2024|Aging Pets, Pet Welfare|Comments Off on Tips for Keeping Your Pet Healthy and Improving Longevity

How to Identify and Avoid Dog Ear Infections

How to Avoid Dog Ear Infections Up to 16.5% of dogs will experience an ear infection. Fortunately with a few simple preventative measures you can avoid having to deal with dog ear infections: Have a reliable ear cleansing solution Clean your dogs’ ear once every 1-2 weeks Any time your dog [...]

By |2024-04-03T21:24:00+00:00March 30th, 2024|Ear Infections, Pet Health Problems|Comments Off on How to Identify and Avoid Dog Ear Infections

It’s Flea and Tick Season. Are Your Pets Ready?

Warm weather and plenty of moisture begins the flea and tick season. Alabama and Florida are fitting places for fleas and ticks to live and thrive. What’s worse than listening to your pet thumping and scratching all night long? Maybe, finding a tick or fleas in your home, on yourself, or [...]

By |2024-04-02T21:22:58+00:00March 28th, 2024|Pet Welfare, Preventative Pet Health Care|0 Comments
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